Donations: Frequently Asked Questions

Who can contribute to the PAC?

Any individual may contribute to the PAC, whether they are CDHA members or not.

Is there a recommended amount?

All donations, large or small, subject to legal limits ($6, 500 per year), are welcome. Your contribuions are not deductible for state or federal income tax purposes.

Where should contributions be sent?

Please make checks payable to: CalHyPAC. The mailing address is below.

Debbie Phillips, RDH

Treasurer, CalHyPAC

182 Cameo Dr.

Danville, CA 94526

You can also donate online:

Paypal: search for California Dental Hygienists Association Political Action Committee (

Venmo: @CalHyPac or scan the QR code below

calhypac venmo qr code